Monday, February 18, 2008

Food glorious food

I track my food on Spark People, it's easy and most importantly it's free. I can also access my profile anywhere and everywhere, so there's no food diary to carry around, it tracks anything you want it to track - calories, salt intake, cholesterol etc. It is very cool.

You can get into earning points and patting yourself on the back, and if your into forums and discussions etc then there's tons of that stuff too.

Food consumes so much of my energy and thought that there is no way I want to put more time into discussions forums etc.

But it's a great place to hang out and track your food. It's there that Robin can peak in at what I'm eating and get an understanding of what's going on. Remember - so far she thinks part of my problem is I'm not eating enough! (which isn't permission to go out and get chips and cookies)

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